Thursday 28 November 2019

“Tiger & Crane Sparring Set” - Full Set Performed by Grand Master Lam Ch...

Love this! If you have learned a tai chi sparring set it is interesting to see similar techniques here, although with a different use of force.

Saturday 9 November 2019

Thymus and a higher centre

My late teacher John Kells moved away from the Tai Chi forms he had been taught to develop a different approach.

Essentially this moved away from being Tan Tien centric to connecting from the Heart centre. This then developed to the Thymus chakra which melts into the Heart chakra. Sometimes you can find the two chakras combined just as the Heart chakra.

John taught me the Thymus comes first in interaction. With it comes a liveliness, immediacy and above all mobility. The energy involved in this is completely different from operating from the Tan Tien and being rooted in lower stances.

This has also worked very well in my Sun style Tai chi which is all about mobility with higher stances and no fixed bow and arrow stances.

Explore for yourself and discover what works in your practice.

Wednesday 6 November 2019


Yielding and Attacking are two sides of the same coin, to be applied simultaneously, not yield then attack.

The space between the defender and aggressor is alive, not dead. Crucially we enter this space by going forwards with our connection to control it. This connection can be, as in Aikido, between your Hara and that of the aggressor or from one Heart to another.

In entering there is joining and all that follows.

Sunday 3 November 2019