Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Secrets of Ch'eng Man Ch'ing Tai Chi

 The link below takes you a blog post on the deadly duels site about Ch'eng Man Ching's tai chi. It suggests you repeat the form a minimum of 5 times and up to 15 if the legs can take it.

How many times in a row do you repeat your form? Is there a reason for this?

I usually repeat my tai chi forms three times. The first one serves to open me up, the second for going deeper into the relaxation and energy and the third time for spirit.



  1. I practice the form once, then focus on an specific posture or group of postures for more practice.

    My one form is like my kyudo friends who only shoot two or three arrows at a time, before retrieving them. Because I'm not doing repetitions of the form, this one form is something very special in my day. Ichi go, ichi e; one encounter, one chance.

    There is also a time constraint aspect. I do a variety of loosening exercises and standing that takes about an hour to complete before I get to the form itself.

    I get up an extra 90 minutes early to get my practice in every day before I begin work. I don't want to get up any earlier.

    I used to do many repetitions of the form every day and found myself more focused on getting in my repetitions than on the quality of the form itself. That's on me.

    1. Hi Rick,

      thanks, that's a very valid point you make about focusing more on getting your number of repetitions in.
