Mysteries of reality number thirty-three
There are two structures which are so powerful they require to be closely
connected. They are the guts and the brain. The guts are busy with food and
other processes moment by moment. The brain devours moments just as strongly.
The brain is so large and for some strange reason it is largely neglected The
Chinese connect with a few points connected with health through acupuncture.
The brain I work with has 37 main structures +40 minor structures and another
42 structures. This is a huge machine whose structures need massage through visualisation
connected with touch. ‘Bum in’ posture settles the guts nicely, as ordinary Tai
chi Chuan will attest. The guts spread down the inside of the thighs to the
inside of the ankles and bounce up the outside of the legs to the sacrum and
have their own conversation with the sacred cord, fifth eye, tonsure, and hui
yin. There is an element of completeness when the guts and brain acknowledge
each other as they do in a fight. Fight or die forwards together the devil
takes the hindmost, and truth is the victor.